Watch Foo Fighters Console A Man Who Openly Wept During ‘My Hero’ At A Denver Concert

It could happen to anyone: You show up to the concert of your favorite band, you get a little tipsy, and then, when they play your favorite song, you may even shed a slight tear. Alcohol has its way of being an emotional lubricant in that way. (Hey, if you’re saying you’ve never had a glean in your eye while drunk, you’re just a liar or made of stone.)

A prime example of this took place at a Foo Fighters concert in Greenwood Village, Colorado. There, a young man named Anthony was overcome with emotion during a stirring acoustic performance of the Foo’s hit “My Hero.” Normally, this would go unnoticed, but Dave couldn’t help but point out his “crying grown-ass man ” and decided to dedicate the performance to him.

But it didn’t end there for Anthony. With tears welling up in his eyes, he was invited onstage to sing the iconic track with the band. If this wasn’t great enough, then the whole crowd sang the song to him personally. If you are a drunk man at a concert of your favorite band, this is your dream come true, so, here’s to you Anthony. From every weepy dude who loves their favorite band so much they can’t help but shed a tear, we salute you. Now, wipe your eyes already.

(Via Consequence Of Sound)