Scott Stapp’s Ex-Wife Called 911 After He Reportedly Threatened To Kill President Obama

Scott Stapp is on a journey far more unexpected than anything those damn dwarves went on. It began in Florida, of course, when he was placed on a 72-hour psychiatric hold after police found him “wasted, incoherent, and rambling that someone was trying to poison him.” Stapp’s now ex-wife Jaclyn also recently called 911 after she found the “My Sacrifice” singer “shirtless on a bicycle,” raving about how he’s a CIA agent tasked with assassinating President Obama.

Stapp claimed in a rambling video the IRS is trying to ruin his life because he’s been trashing Obama. Jaclyn Stapp, Scott’s wife, joins the 40-minute 911 call, telling the dispatcher Scott had printed out 400 – 600 pages of CIA documents which he supposedly found online, put them in a book bag and took off on his bike.

When cops arrived Scott told them Jaclyn had pilfered $6 mil from him, and when he confronted her she decided to get him locked up. In the end, police determined Scott did not show enough signs of mental instability to warrant a psych hold. (Via)

So, to recap, the police believed the fake CIA agent with a binder full of government documents who was riding his bike shirtless (gross), who recently wrote on Facebook that he’s done talking until God’s “justice is served,” who had just been released from psychiatric hold, who WROTE A SONG FOR THE SCORPION KING SOUNDTRACK, over the wife. Must’ve been Marlins fans.