In case you haven’t heard, Goop-y Internet newsletter mogul Gwyneth Paltrow — a part-time actress whose most memorable turn as a thespian was that time Kevin Spacey put her head in a box in Se7en — has taken some time off from turning the world into her personal karaoke room to pen a new cookbook. Hooray for humanity!
So what kind of cook is Gwyneth? Well, the New Yorker’s Lizzie Widdicomb has a piece in this week’s issue on the PR machine being churned to hype Paltrow’s domestic goddess credentials in an effort to sell her cookbooks, and the piece contains a quote from one of her celeb pals that I think pretty much confirms every vision of Gwyneth in the kitchen that anyone has ever had — one that’s a stark contrast to the one presented in the plethora of cooking videos her people have already littered the internet with.
Said REM frontman Michael Stipe:
“Once, a duck she was cooking caught fire, and she threw it in the pool.”
Yep, that sounds about right.