Ann Coulter is very upset about reports that Donald Trump will choose Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate. Though Coulter has stuck steadfastly to Trump’s side during the campaign, she tweeted Wednesday that selecting Pence would be his “first mistake.” She did take the time to comment, but still persisted in saying she’d “[withhold] comment until it’s official,” Coulter quickly followed up with a series of remarks about Trump’s likely VP pick, calling him a “combo platter of disaster” among other disparaging remarks.
Withholding comment until it's official, but if claims about Pence as VP are correct, boy was I right about this being Trump's first mistake
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
Pence is the combo-platter of disaster. For details, see what I just posted on my Facebook page.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
I hope Pence is not true.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
Coulter quickly moved from reflection to jokes by tweeting that Mike Tyson and her next door neighbor would make better VP picks than Pence. She also insinuated that Pence has too low an IQ to become a Walmart clerk.
Better VP picks for Trump! Kris Kobach, Scott Brown, Pat McCrory, Mike Crapo, David Clarke, Mike Tyson, my next door neighbor …
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
Trump has twice Bush's IQ. Why would he pull a Harriet Miers?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
Hey! Maybe Trump should just go ahead and pick Harriet Miers as his Veep!
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
If Trump just used same Body Mass Index calculator airlines use for stewards & IQ test Walmart uses for clerks, we'd be spared egregious VPs
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 14, 2016
On Facebook, Coulter chastised Pence for being “all in for corporate America bringing in as many guest workers as they please to replace American workers” and “[allowing] himself to be portrayed as a right-wing homophobic nut and then — just days later — [selling] out to the left-wing activists.” She also repeated her “combo-platter of disaster” phrase, a zinger she appears to be very proud of.
This isn’t the first time Coulter has been upset with Trump’s behavior. In March, she responded to a tweet from the candidate on Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ radio show, saying, “Our candidate is mental! Do you realize our candidate is mental? It’s like constantly having to bail out your sixteen-year-old son from prison.” At the time, she called his tweet “the worst thing he’s done” — a sentiment she may not agree with anymore.