In the six months since veteran news anchor Charlie Rose was accused of “unwanted sexual advances” by eight women, he’s apparently attempted to repair his reputation in a few ways. First, he (by design or otherwise) became the subject of a bizarrely sympathetic profile in the Hollywood Reporter, and recently, editor Tina Brown revealed that Rose may be working on a “redemption series” that interviews more men who’ve been accused. However, his plans may have been derailed by a Washington Post investigative report that collects new allegations against Rose from 27 women.
All told, the accusations span three decades — from 1986 until at least April 2017 — of Rose’s career, in which CBS managers were apparently told of his alleged behavior on countless occasions. The accusers include 14 CBS News employees and 13 women who worked elsewhere. One woman, a former research assistant for NBC News, spoke of “this other personality” of Rose’s that would surface before he’d begin groping her. This account reveals claims from a former intern who worked for Rose both in his PBS and CBS 60 Minutes II capacities. At the time, she was 20 years old:
“You’re not just working for a show, you’re working for Charlie, period,” said the former intern, Corrina Collins, who now lives in Montana and works as a transportation planner. On the plane, Collins said, Rose insisted she drink wine and began to “paw” her. Collins became drunk, she said, and threw up in the plane’s bathroom.
Rose squeezed her breast during the car ride from the airport, Collins said. She said he insisted that they work in his hotel room, where he told her, “I want you to ride me.” She quickly left his room. “It felt predatory,” she said. “I had already said no, but he was going to persist.”
In addition, a CBS News employee named Annmarie Parr reveals how Rose not only made “lewd” remarks about her physical appearance but also quizzed her on her sex life. “Annmarie, do you like sex?” he allegedly asked. “Do you enjoy it? How often do you like to have sex?” In response to all of the new claims, which Rose responded to the Post with one sentence: “Your story is unfair and inaccurate.” Whereas in November in response to the initial claims against him, Rose appeared to believe that he hadn’t done anything wrong while telling TMZ paparazzi, “It’s not wrongdoings.”
The accounts excerpted above are only the beginning of the claims detailed in the Post report, which you can read in full here.
(Via Washington Post)