It looks like the ongoing saga of the Malheur national wildlife refuge standoff in Oregon isn’t as close to over as some may have previously thought. Only a week ago, ring leader Ammon Bundy was advising the lingering militia members to pack up their guns and their gumption and head back to their families. But now, with only four members of the cause still left to hold out, Ammon’s father Cliven has sent a letter to government officials saying the exact opposite. According to The Guardian, the letter that the elder Bundy sent to numerous government locations including the White House includes proclamations such as:
“This is notice that We the People of Harney County and also We the People of the citizens of the United States DO GIVE NOTICE THAT WE WILL RETAIN POSSESSION OF THE HARNEY COUNTY RESOURCE CENTER”
and was followed up with a speech from his ranch:
“What this is saying is that Cliven Bundy is taking control of things. If we don’t retain it, then we’ve lost everything that we’ve done in the last two months. We’re not gonna give up.”
Which sounds super reasonable and sane, keeping in line with Cliven’s past exploits as a rancher more than ready to go toe to toe with the federal government and say ridiculous things afterwards. After 11 members of the group were arrested (with one dead in the fracas), it would have been easy for the rest of the “patriots” to pack things in so as not to put themselves at any more risk. Instead, the remaining four have been continuing to hold out in order to stand up for what they believe in, which should be applauded on some level. At the same time, they are far past the point of no return and their demands to not be charged for their actions if they leave the land are wishful thinking at best.
At any rate, the standoff drags on and is officially at the month mark. Whether it continues for another month or is over in the coming days remains to be seen, but at this point it’s simple to assume anything could happen and it would seem normal.
(Via The Guardian)