CNN Panel Devolves Into Chaos Over Donald Trump’s ‘African American’ Comment

When we look at the circus that has been the 2016 presidential race there are a number of absolutely bonkers moments, many of which can be attributed to presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. The Trump campaign has been built around concepts such as building a wall between Mexico and the United States, exporting Muslims from the country and getting upset when people talk about the size of his hands. The latest bizarre Trump moment happened this week when he pointed to the crowd and said, “Look at my African American over here.” That particular African American didn’t seem too bothered with it, but it is still a hot topic.

Mediate was on the case when CNN decided to host a panel to discuss Trump’s comment and ask the question of if it was racist or just a simple slip of the tongue. Pastor Darrel Scott was a part of this panel as the “pro-Trump” member, who explained that our “politically correct society” has shifted the terminology so many times for African Americans that Trump, who was simply trying to acclimate to being more PC, was using it as a term of endearment.

From there Tara Setmayer went on to proclaim that Scott was a victim of “political Stockholm Syndrome” and from there it devolves into insanity. Scott’s reply to Setmayer was pointed.

“You’re trying to act like you’re not aware of the racial climate in America!… The only reason I stand out as a Trump supporter is because I’m black!”

We’ve all seen political debates on news television devolve into this sort of shouting over each other, but this time it’s both racially-charged and politically-charged and everyone seems upset about it. What’s clear here is that like most of these panels, absolutely nothing beyond being an entertaining track wreck came from this.

(via Mediate)