Donald Trump Tours The 9/11 Museum And Bystanders Are Not Impressed

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No one outside the immediate Donald Trump circle appears to know what the Republican frontrunner is doing right now. He doesn’t seem to mind losing Colorado this weekend. He’s sort of taking his 200-count delegate lead for granted. Trump is also brushing off all recent Ted Cruz victories and making odd decisions in the aftermath. And he cancelled his impending California voyage in favor of placing several eggs in the New York basket. Why?

Of course, both states arrive with large delegate takes, but Trump shouldn’t have to worry much about New York. He holds a large presence in Manhattan and elsewhere, and he smashed Ted Cruz in a #NewYorkValues discussion. Cruz is going nowhere in the state (despite trying and failing to woo the Jewish vote and rumbling in the Bronx). Yet Trump is staying in his Manhattan comfort zone while Cruz fills in the void by scheduling last-minute rallies in Cali. None of this makes sense.

Trump doesn’t appeal to logic, so he paid his first visit to the 9/11 memorial on Saturday. The museum formally opened in 2014 (though tourists, including myself, were permitted to tour a makeshift exhibit in 2010) and made a $100,000 donation. Perhaps Trump truly felt obligated to appear after invoking George W. Bush while discussing the terrorist attack and claiming Muslims cheered in the streets in the aftermath. Yet the timing couldn’t be more obvious, and CNN reports that Trump was “incredibly impressed” while private touring with the NYPD and Port Authority. However, the internet wasn’t thrilled with Trump’s sudden interest in the memorial.

Beyond shock, folks had some other not-so-nice reactions.

Others paid for guided memorial tours and were preempted by a celebrity.

This fella wins the social media reactions for his delightful sighting.

No, this guy wins harder. He knows what’s coming next.

(Via CNN & Washington Post)