The Internet Is Having A Good Time Making Fun Of Donald Trump’s ‘Bad Hombres’ Quip

For the first 10 or so minutes of tonight’s third (and thankfully, final) presidential debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton remained somewhat civil. Then, once abortion and immigration were brought up, things started to go off the rails. And SNL‘s writers and Alec Baldwin got the soundbite they were looking for: Trump reiterated his stance on immigration by stating:

“We’re going to secure the border, and once the border is secured at a later date, we’ll make a determination as to the rest. But we have some bad hombres here and we’re going to get them out.”

These “bad hombres” are why Trump thinks he should become the next president, and when he’s elected, he’ll build his infamous Wall. “Right now, we’re getting the drugs, they’re getting the cash,” the Republican presidential nominee said, adding that he wouldn’t grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. “We have millions of people… they’re in line, they’re waiting to become citizens. Very unfair that somebody runs across the border [and] becomes a citizen.” But it was the “bad hombres” line — which Trump has reportedly used before at his rallies; the term pairs well with Mike Pence’s “whipped out that Mexican thing again” — that the internet keeps coming back to.