Divisive presidential candidate Donald Trump will be in the spotlight tonight for Saturday’s big New Hampshire GOP debate, but another engagement going down next month is now confirmed to get some Donald shine. Yes, Trump is a go for next month’s Fox News debate. He confirmed his attendance at the March 3rd event on The Steve Malzberg Show.
“I’ll be there, I have no objection to being there.”
The man aiming to be the Republican nominee skipped the last debate put on by the cable outlet and has been vocal in his criticism of Fox News and in particular Fox News personality Megyn Kelly who publicly grilled Trump over his stockpile of controversial comments about women. The whole affair has morphed Trump vs. Kelly into one of the most talked about clashes of the current presidential race. Adding an extra wrinkle to this dynamic was Trump’s loss to rival Ted Cruz (which Trump chalks up to “fraud”) in Iowa caucus voting and questions were raised if passing on the debate was the right call for Trump’s campaign.
Trump followed up his debate confirmation by stressing that his previous no show was not related to Kelly. He did place the blame at Fox’s feet, though.
“That had nothing to do with Megyn Kelly, the fact that I went out of the last one had to do with a memo that was sent out by Fox that was a little bit taunting and I said it was inappropriate.”
What was in the statement that wounded The Donald so? It was this mocking response from Fox to Trump’s Instagram musing on if he should attend the last debate.
“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings.”
On Friday, Megyn Kelly talked to Good Morning America about whether or not she thought Trump would attend March’s debate. Not only was she optimistic that he’s going to show, but Kelly also snuck in a good quip about some unfinished business.
“I think he’ll show up at that one, which is great,” she said. “We’ll just move our Trump questions from the last debate over to this debate.”
This should make for some interesting TV.
(via The Hill)