Samantha Bee Aims A Dagger At Sebastian Gorka, The Controversial Trump Advisor With Alleged Ties To A Nazi Group

Sebastian Gorka has been in the headlines quite a bit in recent weeks. Not only did he actually call up a critic of his counter-terrorism expertise and proceed to berate him according to Business Insider, but it has also come to light that he has alleged ties to a Nazi group in Hungary. The latter revelation has earned the White House Deputy Assistant plenty of criticism and calls to resign, but it is also far from the first time Gorka has courted controversy.

Samantha Bee devoted the entire second segment of Full Frontal to Gorka’s controversial past and present, poking plenty of holes in “expertise” and possibly earning her own phone call later this week. She raises questions about Gorka’s education, his status as a counter-terrorism expert, his choice in clothing, and his ability to get Trump to repeat the things he spouts on television. This fact earned him the moniker of the “Trump whisperer” from Bee and it’s a fitting title. Gorka was one of the president’s favorite sources it seems for spouting word-for-word theories and allegations, mostly about Hillary Clinton and uranium.

She also dives into his alleged anti-Semitic past, something he seems to be trying to clear up himself with little success. According to Salon, Gorka denied ever taking an oath or being a member of Vitézi Rend in Hungary:

“I have never been a member of the Vitezi Rend. I have never taken an oath of loyalty to the Vitezi Rend. Since childhood, I have occasionally worn my father’s medal and used the ‘v’ initial to honor his struggle against totalitarianism,”

But now Salon reports that Gorka has changed his story a bit, claiming he didn’t “formally” claim loyalty and only inherited his “Vitez” title — the tiny v in the video — via his father. He still claims to be “committed opponent of anti-Semitism, racism and totalitarianism,” but the controversy also seems to be only a small slice of what folks like Bee find troubling.

Also yes, he does have a strange similarity to Steven Seagal. Even their choice of clothing is eerily similar.

(Via Full Frontal)