George Zimmerman must miss the media spotlight, because he’s stirring things up again. Five years after he fatally shot Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman has trolled the world in many ways after successfully using self-defense to get off the second-degree murder hook. He’s also willingly cashed in on his notoriety in any way possible. The planned DMX boxing match never worked out, but Zimmerman did put his prized Confederate flag painting up for sale to pay his legal fees.
Beyond moneymaking grabs, Zimmerman’s behavior hasn’t come from a guy who regretted his actions much. He’s thrown Twitter fits and committed the ultimate troll move by retweeting a photo of Martin after his death. Since then, Zimmerman’s taken a headline breather, but he never retreats for good.
As it turns out, authorities returned the gun that Zimmerman used to kill Martin after the murder trial concluded, and someone’s decided to capitalize. Zimmerman told Florida’s WOGX how “it’s time to move past the firearm, and if I sell it and it sells, and I move past it.” Well, he could always dispose of the gun without drawing further attention to himself, but that’s not his style. He justified his decision by saying, “I’m a free American. I can do what I like with my possessions.” Martin also added that he’ll use the funds to fight Hillary Clinton and her “anti-firearm rhetoric.” That’s not all:
“Many have expressed interest in owning and displaying the firearm including The Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. This is a piece of American history. Offers to purchase the firearm have been received; however, the offers were to use the gun in a fashion I did not feel comfortable with.”
The Smithsonian? The man dreams big. Here’s a picture of the gun that’s up for grabs. The auction will begin on GunBroker.com from Thursday at 11 a.m. EST and will last for 24 hours.
(Via Fox 35 Florida and CBS New York)