Does GOP House Leader’s Call For A Special Prosecutor On Trump’s Russia Ties Signal A Tide Is Turning?

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Republican Representative Darrell Issa said he would be in favor of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the possible connection Donald Trump’s associates may have with Russia, as reported by Politico.

Trump’s reported ties to Russia have dogged his administration, as there are reports they played a part in getting him elected. But it has apparently been more far-reaching, as former national security advisor Michael Flynn resigned from his post due to his ties to Russia. Despite this incident, lawmakers don’t seem keen on digging further into these reported alleged ties. But Issa appears to think otherwise. Issa, who threw his support behind Trump during the 2016 campaign (Trump even supporting him), said an independent party might come up with the most objective results. And he stated later in an interview with HBO’s Real Time believes Attorney General Jeff Sessions should not head up the investigation:

“You cannot have somebody, a friend of mine Jeff Sessions, who was on the campaign and who is an appointee. You’re going to need to use the special prosecutor’s statute and office to take — not just to recuse. You can’t just give it to your deputy. That’s another political appointee.”

Issa went on to say an investigator may not end up finding anything, but Russian President Vladimir Putin’s track record of aggression towards political opponents has cause for concern. If the investigation ends up happening remains to be seen, but if it does it would be an interesting turn of events.

(Via Politico)