It’s easy to get caught up in the barbecuing, three day weekends, and unofficial start of summer on Memorial Day, but first and foremost its to remember the brave men and women who have lost their lives in defense of this country. However, if you’re Ivanka Trump, it’s time to shill your recipe for champagne popsicles.
Trump has been trying to position herself as a relatable wife and mother since the beginning of her father’s presidential campaign, but the cracks have certainly started to show. Between her extremely tone deaf book, dismal conditions for the workers who make her brand’s clothing, and her overall complicit behavior, Trump certainly has had her fair share of controversy in an already controversial administration.
This latest faux pas, though, has left many frustrated, with many tweeting that champagne popsicles might not be the most appropriate on a holiday marked by loss.
Ivanka, this is my father. He served 6 tours in Vietnam and doesn't give a fuck about your champagne popsicles today. #MemorialDay #Veteran pic.twitter.com/Aj9xRTWnsF
— Persistent Woman (@PixMichelle) May 29, 2017
No kidding. My father did not take a grenade & lose an eye on Saipan for freaking champagne popsicles.
— Helen Graves (@helengravesnyc) May 29, 2017
Exactly what do you think #MemorialDay is about, @IvankaTrump? Hint: It's not popsicles. pic.twitter.com/wb8rRv3cDJ
— Leila Marie (@hestiasheart) May 29, 2017
Meanwhile Ivanka Trump is tweeting about champagne popsicles, but sure, let's keep talking about who is a champion for women… https://t.co/FPet4LRoMw
— Tracy Ging (she/her) (@tracyging) May 28, 2017
Did you guys talk to coordinate your tweets? This is just too perfect, imo pic.twitter.com/a9KKsVK0SK
— Prof Dynarski (@dynarski) May 29, 2017
I'm honoring my grandfathers' service & worrying about whether my nephew will be deployed. You are making popsicles @IvankaTrump ?
— Leah Boustan (@leah_boustan) May 29, 2017
Champagne to celebrate those who died on the battlefield for you? You're even more heartless and callous than I give you credit for.
— Save πΊπ¦ #StopTheWar (@RispaFrances) May 29, 2017
What exactly are you celebrating @IvankaTrumpHQ? @IvankaTrump #memorialday https://t.co/InGkqd8yH9
— VoteVets (@votevets) May 29, 2017
To be fair, Trump did tweet out a thank you to the troops from her private account, but it’s still hard to ignore the brand shilling going on.
Today we honor the men & women in our armed forces who have lost their lives to protect our freedom. Thank you for your service #MemorialDay
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 29, 2017
Perhaps she should be more concerned about the latest hot water that her husband, Jared Kushner, is in regarding Russia than on promoting a lifestyle that appears more glaringly privileged by the day.
(Via Yahoo)