Jimmy Kimmel Has Some Harsh Words For Alex Jones Over Hillary Clinton’s Pickle Jar Stunt

If you weren’t aware, there is currently a slew of rumors and conspiracy theories swirling around Hillary Clinton’s health. More importantly, there’s a controversy over her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live and how she handles a pickle jar. Kimmel is surprised by it, but he’s stepped upon the hornets nest with his latest segment on the subject. A hornet’s nest owned by Alex Jones.

Jones posted a seven-minute video on the pickle “can” and how Clinton opened it during the segment, taking to it like the Zapruder film and putting out one of his finest performances. It isn’t close to his tirade on being a human being, but it is close. There seems to be an issue about the jar not popping or her opening it like a peanut butter jar, all which seems very odd to focus on but continues for seven minutes.

Kimmel has fun with it, first showing how the jar was handled backstage by his crack head of security, Guillermo, and then he got serious for a heated message to Jones himself. A poor pickle jar ends up getting its existence snuffed out on national television, all thanks to Jones and his conspiracy theories. Then again, most will take one broken pickle jar over whatever his opinion on 9/11 continues to be.

Focusing on the jar as an indication of Clinton’s health seems silly, even if it was staged. We said it was a sign she was healthy, but this is a late-night television interview. Even if she isn’t healthy, it doesn’t automatically mean, “go vote for Donald Trump.” Although, Jones does make a good case for Trump’s health, so who knows:

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)