Kellyanne Conway, who is in hot water for plugging Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from the White House on TV, encountered more trouble when she appeared to retweet a supportive message from a white nationalist on Twitter. Conway denied she retweeted the message and claims to have no idea who would have done such a thing.
Earlier in the day, Conway made different headlines when Today host Matt Lauer grilled her over the explanation she gave about Gen. Michael Flynn’s resignation. Lauer said her timeline and response “makes no sense,” and later, Conway vaguely tweeted a possible defense for herself.
I serve at the pleasure of @POTUS. His message is my message. His goals are my goals. Uninformed chatter doesn't matter.
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) February 14, 2017
She carried on but but noticed a Twitter follower sending her praise.
Never one to let a compliment go unnoticed, Conway wrote back in a since-deleted tweet: “Love you back. Happy [Valentines] Day to the Hapless Haters.”
There’s nothing wrong with thanking someone for a pleasantry, but Conway should have checked out the user’s bio before sending out a message to her more than a million followers. If she’d have done so, she’d have noticed the #WhiteIdentity #Nationalist hashtags, not to mention the frog emoji, which some white nationalists are using instead of a Pepe the Frog symbol.
BuzzFeed was first to point out @TrumpTrainNoBrk’s bio to Conway, who said she had no idea who retweeted the message and condemned the user’s profile, chalking it up to a simple mistake.
And Conway may soon be readying for more trouble. The Office of Government Ethics on Tuesday recommended that Trump reprimand Conway for hawking Ivanka’s clothing line on the air: “There is strong reason to believe that Ms. Conway has violated the Standards of Conduct Act.”