Due to overwhelming anti-Trump crowds showing up at his office, Senator Marco Rubio is being his kicked out of his Tampa-based digs. The building’s owner, America’s Capital Partners, said the protests have grown too disruptive and it’s becoming a security risk. In other words, Rubio’s loyalty to his former rival is causing him a lot of trouble.
Rubio’s original lease on his Tampa office expired in December, but his team was continuing to rent on a month-to-month basis while he scouted for another option. His negotiations with another building fell through, so he’s now without a brick-and-mortar location in Tampa. Jude Williams, president of America’s Capital Partners, told the Tampa Bay Times that the crowds are just too much:
“A professional office building is not a place for that. I understand their cause, but at the end of the day it was a security concern for us. It’s not political,” Williams said of the decision. “It’s for no other reason than good office management. Our duty is to keep a good peaceful office building environment for our tenants and that’s not what they bargained for.”
The Tampa Bay Times noted that several progressive groups visited Rubio’s office, which the publication says included up to 150 people at a time. Some were very vocal about Rubio’s commitment to Trump, which caused complaints by fellow office tenants. Rubio has seven offices across the state, which have all seen their share of protesters.
Rubio has been besiged by protesters lately and even dodged them at a Miami hotel. A new Tampa office may not help the matter, but he can try.
(Via Tampa Bay Times & Miami New Times)