Americans woke up to another mass shooting tragedy on Thursday morning, this time in Thousand Oaks, California at a popular college student spot, Borderline Bar & Grill, which was hosting its weekly 18-and-over College Country Night. According to witnesses who spoke with CNN, at around 11:20 p.m. a masked gunman wearing all black entered the bar and threw smoke bombs before firing a handgun, killing 11 patrons, as well as deputy Sergeant Ron Helus, who was the first to respond to the scene. Helus was a 29 veteran of the force who had planned to retire in the next year.
The identity of the gunman is allegedly 28-year-old David Ian Long, a military veteran who apparently drove his mother’s car to the scene. Long was among the dead, but it’s unclear whether or not he took his own life or if he was killed by police. Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean described the scene at Borderline Bar & Grill as “horrific” in a press briefing:
“It’s a horrific scene in there, there is blood everywhere and the suspect is part of that, and I didn’t want to get that close and disturb the scene and possibly disturb the investigation,” he said, adding that the motive is still unclear.
Dean said investigators had not found any type of assault rifle within the bar. “Right now as far as we know there was only one handgun, but that could certainly change as we do a more thorough search of the building.”
President Donald Trump tweeted about the tragedy Thursday morning, thanking law enforcement for their bravery.
I have been fully briefed on the terrible shooting in California. Law Enforcement and First Responders, together with the FBI, are on scene. 13 people, at this time, have been reported dead. Likewise, the shooter is dead, along with the first police officer to enter the bar….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2018
….Great bravery shown by police. California Highway Patrol was on scene within 3 minutes, with first officer to enter shot numerous times. That Sheriff’s Sergeant died in the hospital. God bless all of the victims and families of the victims. Thank you to Law Enforcement.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2018
As usual with these sadly now-regular occurrences of mass violence however, many on Twitter are pointing out how we as a country, fail to act and prevent these tragedies.
America has the same rate of mental illness as other high income countries. We play the same video games. We watch the same movies. We listen to the same music. What’s different about America is easy access to arsenals and ammo. This @NRA gun saleswoman know that.
Thousand Oaks https://t.co/u7KlMtjnaH
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) November 8, 2018
According to Republicans, we could only talk about gun reform for 6 out of the 313 days so far this year.
Because we've only had 6 days in 2018 not plagued by a #massshooting.#californiashooting #thursdaythoughts #borderline https://t.co/uThrdslfoO
— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly 🌸 (@AynRandPaulRyan) November 8, 2018
Mental illnesses didn’t shoot & kill 12 people in #ThousandOaks last night. A man with a gun did. Im sick of people using mental illness as a scapegoat, which further stigmatizes those of us that struggle with it. It’s lazy & dishonest.#Borderlineshooting #CaliforniaShooting
— Khary Penebaker (@kharyp) November 8, 2018
How DARE you say ‘God bless the victims and their families’ when YOU are fomenting more anger and hate and inciting more violence than anyone in the history of politics. Shame on you. #Trump #Californiashooting
— Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) November 8, 2018
Good morning.
The gun laws in this country are MADNESS.
They put the profits of a corrupt and cult-like industry over the lives of people we love.
They do this with flimsy rationales based on a mix of 200 year old logic and modern propaganda.
It must change.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) November 8, 2018
My heart aches to learn about the horrific shooting in Thousand Oaks on college night. Praying for the injured and the families of those killed who, like so many others, have lost their loved ones to gun violence. Leaders in Congress must act — not some day, but now.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 8, 2018
White male walked into a bar and shot 22-24 people, killing 12, including a good guy with a gun https://t.co/mUFpipMGlz
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) November 8, 2018
My heart breaks for Thousand Oaks today. My heart is dust from being broken for so many places in our country so many times.https://t.co/eeeYoLdxn6 https://t.co/Amg3BSQ2Qm
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 8, 2018
(Via CNN)