Well, that was fast. Just one day after her big Megyn Kelly Today debut in which she made the bold declaration that she was “kind of done with politics for now,” Megyn Kelly is maybe actually not so done with politics for now. Or at the very least, she’s dipping her toe back into politics for the moment, by taking a stance on the most heated controversy rocking America right now.
After kicking off the show by covering puff pieces like the royal family and celebrity gossip, Kelly was asked by an audience member whether or not she would “take a knee” — alluding to the fact that President Trump has basically spent the past five days frothing over black NFL players staging peaceful protests by kneeling during the National Anthem. Despite Kelly’s many, many remarks on Fox News that would lead you to assume the contrary, she came out in support of the NFL players — and also those who oppose them.
First, she joked that she would not take a knee because that would mean attending a sporting event in the first place, but overall she is on board with the concept.
“You know I practiced law for nine years, and I am a lover of the First Amendment and I, in a way, think that this whole situation underscores some of the beauty of our country,” she said. “Because those players have every right to take a knee. And those who object to it have every right to say they object.” She continued, saying, “That’s America, right? I believe that the fundamental principle, the bedrock of the First Amendment is the answer to speech we do not like is not less speech, it’s more speech.”
Kelly finished her thoughts with a diplomatic and unifying, “Go U.S.A.,” in case anyone out there wasn’t fully convinced that we’re living in a brave new world, now.