Donald Trump has earned the ire of a number of people in his quest for the presidency, but the latest enemy is a former collaborator. NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt, who helped produce Trump’s The Apprentice, took to his private Facebook page to condemn the real estate mogul as “pompous” and “toxic.”
The Apprentice had already been on NBC for a number of years before Greenblatt came on in 2011, but he seems to still be harboring some resentment for the time he spent with the Donald. While Greenblatt was fairly diplomatic about his former co-worker at a Television Critics Association panel last month, he decided to let Trump have it on his private Facebook account:
“The sad state of affairs thanks to a pompous businessman turned reality TV star (whose show consistently ran LAST in its time period, by the way) who thinks speaking his mind is refreshing. It’s actually corrosive and toxic because his ‘mind’ is so demented; and his effect will unfortunately linger long after he’s been told to get off the stage.”
It’s a mighty blow to a guy who constantly touts his supremacy in all things television, clothes and steaks. NBC had cut ties with Trump last year after his immigration comments, and it doesn’t look like he’ll be coming back to the Peacock any time soon.
(Via Page Six)