Omarosa Will Resign From The Trump White House In January Following Reports Of ‘Drama’ On Tuesday Night

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Omarosa Manigault Newman, more commonly known as “Omarosa” from her days as a popular “villain” on Donald Trump’s reality television series The Apprentice, will resign her position in President Trump’s White House next month. According to the Associated Press, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed the news of the resignation, saying Omarosa’s last official day with the administration would be January 20th. The former star of The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice has been one of Trump’s most vocal (and public) African-American supporters — as well as one of its most controversial.

Less than an hour before the AP’s story broke, April Ryan, CNN’s White House correspondent and a former friend of Omarosa’s posted a vague tweet about a late Tuesday night drama at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “I am hearing from several sources there was a lot of drama at the White House last night and it wasn’t about the Alabama election,” she wrote, adding: “#fired. Stay tuned.” New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman quote tweeted Ryan, saying, “Sounds like this is about someone who’s first initial rhymes with No.”

At this year’s National Association of Black Journalists conference, Omarosa was added to a panel focusing on police brutality at the last minute. The move angered many of the attendees, causing some to stand up and literally turn their backs to her during the panel. Meanwhile, reports emerged in September that suggested Trump’s director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison wasn’t the administration’s most popular member. At one point, the then-bride-to-be was banned from the West Wing after she and her “39-person bridal party” surprised the staff with a bridal photo shoot without prior approval.

UPDATE: Both Ryan and New York Times writer Yamiche Alcindor‏ are now reporting similar accounts of what made Omarosa’s White House departure so dramatic on Tuesday. Per the former, “Sources say General Kelly did the firing and Omarosa is alleged to have acted very vulgar and cursed a lot and said she helped elect President Trump. The word is a General Kelly had it and got rid of her.” Alcindor‏ seemingly confirmed Ryan’s reporting, saying her sources told her “Omarosa was let go yesterday and that she was escorted off of the White House grounds by security.”

As a result, Ryan is now suggesting that Omarosa didn’t actually resign, despite the White House’s official story.

(Via Associated Press)