A 20-Year-Old College Student Was Killed In Yet Another ‘Pokemon Go’-Related Death

A 20-year-old man tragically lost his life on Saturday night playing Pokemon Go at the Aquatic Park in San Fransisco’s famed Fisherman’s Wharf. Calvin Riley, a pitcher for his baseball team at San Joaquin Delta College, where he attended classes, had been playing the interactive game with a group of friends when he was shot in the back and killed by an unknown assailant.

One of the people in the group said Riley and another friend had noticed a “suspicious” person watching them from the top of a nearby hill overlooking the park. However, since they were busy looking down at their phones, they apparently did not give it all that much thought. Family friend John Kirby says that the attack was completely random, and that Riley did not appear to be targeted. “From what we know there was no confrontation,” he told San Fransisco’s KGO-TV News, “There was nothing said back and forth. It was just senseless, just came up and shot in the back and ran away for nothing”:

Kirby is a close family friend. He’s speaking on behalf of the parents who are too devastated to talk. “There was a large group of people playing Pokemon and then his buddy started playing, as well. Calvin got a little bit ahead of his friend and kind of went around a corner,” he said.

Kirby said the pair noticed someone watching them. “Then when the friend came around a corner he heard a gunshot, saw his friend fall, and whoever did it ran away and possibly got into a car,” he said.

As sad as this story is, with deaths and accidents now regularly occurring while people are playing Pokemon Go, it also serves as a reminder that players should always remain acutely aware of their surroundings.

(Via KGO-TV)