Sean Spicer Insists He Never ‘Knowingly’ Lied To The American People While Acting As Press Secretary

Despite Emmys host Stephen Colbert’s subsequent justification, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s cameo at Sunday’s awards telecast didn’t sit well with many people. ABC News’ Paula Faris brought this particular matter up when she interviewed Spicer for Good Morning America Thursday morning, saying “people have hard feelings” toward him because they “feel he lied” to them. “Have you ever lied to the American people?” she asked him point-blank. “I don’t think so,” said Spicer. “I have not knowingly done anything to do that, no.”

Much of the ire Spicer’s critics have with him stem from the former White House official’s frequently combative rapport with the press corp. When asked about this particular point, and whether or not he had “any regrets” about his relationship with journalists, Spicer admitted he’d “made mistakes.” Even so, the sadly never-to-be Dancing with the Stars cast member insisted “there are some folks that, no matter what we say or do… think that everything we did was wrong and want some blanket apology. That’s not happening.”

Spicer also confirmed Anthony Scaramucci’s hiring as White House Communications Director “absolutely” forced his resignation. Unfortunately for Faris, ABC News and Good Morning America, however, their exclusive interview aired concurrently with an Axios report concerning Robert Mueller’s investigation that went viral for Spicer’s threatening responses to reporter Mike Allen. “Mike, please stop texting/emailing me unsolicited anymore,” the former press secretary told him in response to a text message seeking comment. When Allen responded with a “?” things turned nasty:

“Not sure what that means. From a legal standpoint I want to be clear: Do not email or text me again. Should you do again I will report to the appropriate authorities.”

If that weren’t enough, Allen — who stressed he has “known Spicer and his wife for more than a dozen years” — received a rather curt email from Spicer responding to a “polite” email he’d sent before the text message back-and-forth occurred:

Per my text:

Please refrain from sending me unsolicited texts and emails

Should you not do so I will contact the appropriate legal authorities to address your harassment


Sean M Spicer

Admitting to having made mistakes notwithstanding, it seems the former White House official’s sometimes volatile relationship with the press won’t be changing anytime soon.

(Via Good Morning America and Axios)