Seth Meyers Can’t Get Over The Insanity Of Trump Tweeting About The Comey/Russia Hearing As It Happened

Seth Meyers reacted to Monday’s Congressional hearings with FBI head James Comey and NSA director Michael Rogers in a similar manner as the rest of the internet. The entire hearing confirmed a lot of ideas folks already assumed about the investigation into Russia’s tampering with the 2016 election, but it also seemed to have its fair share of oddities.

The biggest was Donald Trump tweeting about the hearings as they were happening, leading to said tweets becoming a topic at the hearings shortly after. It was a moment that was so wild, Meyers said, “They might as well just throw to Ernie, Kenny, and Charles” from Inside The NBA on TNT to give the play-by-play. It’s a surreal moment in political history that has no real comparison, but it was far from the strangest thing from the day.

You can’t discount James Comey attempting to use Rep. Mike Conaway’s awkward college football analogy to get the point across that Vladimir Putin wanting Hillary Clinton to lose means he also wanted Donald Trump to win. You also don’t want to overlook Rep. Trey Gowdy’s attempt to tie President Obama to the leaks about Michael Flynn. As Meyers points out, President Obama hasn’t been close to a Wi-Fi connection since he left The White House.

The hearings also gave us the definitive take from the intelligence community regarding Obama possibly wiretapping Trump and Trump Tower, with Rogers strongly putting the issue from their end. That doesn’t mean Trump will apologize or stop pushing and promising revelations in the coming weeks, but it does mean that almost every respected source has criticized the claims. As Meyers says, you can either trust Rogers or “the guy who thinks tap is spelled with two ps.”

(Via Late Night)