Stormy Daniels’ denial notwithstanding, it seems In Touch Weekly has the goods on the former porn star’s former love affair with Donald Trump long before he was President of the United States. In excerpts from an unpublished 2011 interview with Daniels, which she gave years before she signed a nondisclosure agreement just before the 2016 presidential election, the actress and filmmaker details her brief series of trysts with Trump following their initial meeting at a celebrity golf tournament in July 2006. Yet in physical copies of the magazine published on Wednesday, Daniels reveals even more icky claims.
According to The Daily Beast, she says Trump once compared her to his daughter. She doesn’t indicate whether he was talking about Ivanka or Tiffany Trump, but either way, it’s still weird. Oh, and he had a nickname for her:
Daniels revealed that Trump asked her to sign a DVD copy of her film 3 Wishes and that he called her roughly every 10 days after their first encounter. As for the later encounters, she said: “We had really good banter. He told me once that I was someone to be reckoned with, beautiful, smart, just like his daughter.” Trump even had a nickname for her, she said: “honeybunch.”
Yes, “honeybunch.” While that’s still seeping into your brain, The Daily Beast adds that according to a source, the “unedited interview that will run later this week is 5,500 words” of what they describe as “cray.” Why? Because aside from the already sordid descriptions offered by In Touch Weekly‘s online preview, the full interview also includes details about what Trump is “like in bed,” whether or not he utilizes “pillow talk,” and “what he’s like down there.”
(Via In Touch & The Daily Beast)