Trump Goes Into Full Delusion/Denial By Blaming Airport Protests On Delta And ‘The Tears Of Sen. (Chuck) Schumer’

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From Kellyanne Conway’s main Fox News Sunday talking point that only one percent of all foreign travelers into the United States are being affected by the immigration ban, to the new president’s subsequent Twitter tantrum about Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham “looking to start World War III,” Donald Trump’s second weekend in office didn’t improve much over the first. To make matters worse, the Tweeter-in-Chief took his apparent denial one giant leap forward Monday morning with a string of unfiltered posts blaming Saturday and Sunday’s massive airport protests on a computer outage incurred by Delta airlines.

That, and the “tears of Senator (Chuck) Schumer” — the Democratic minority leader who led an emotional press conference Sunday afternoon in which he condemned the “un-American” immigration ban.

Along with fellow Democratic Senators Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, who confronted U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials at Dulles and Logan airports respectively, Schumer joined the swelling protests on Sunday in an effort to bolster the crowds (and their own political base) against the White House and its immigration ban. Schumer grew especially emotional when, at a post-protest press conference, he described the executive order as “mean spirited and un-American”:

“It was implemented in a way that created chaos and confusion across the country, and it will only serve to embolden and inspire those around the globe who would do us harm. It must be reversed immediately. Senate Democrats are going to introduce legislation to overturn this and move it as quickly as we can.”

That Trump would utilize the same bullying tactics against Schumer that he and his team, past and present, did throughout the campaign isn’t surprising. After all, this is the same presidential candidate turned elected official whose former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, incessantly berated Van Jones and others during CNN’s election night coverage.

As for the Delta outage, NBC News reported at least 150 domestic flights were grounded late Sunday night due to a “systems outage.” The airline’s website, mobile app and other customer service interfaces were affected throughout the ordeal, though business as usual resumed early Monday morning. Seeing as how the massive airport protests began early Saturday and continued through Sunday — well ahead of Delta’s issues — the ridiculousness of Trump’s claim is obvious. For once, Delta actually isn’t to blame.

UPDATE: While addressing the media later that morning, Trump addressed Schumer’s tearful press conference by again insulting him. “I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears. I’m going to ask him who was his acting coach,” he said, adding: “I know him very well. I don’t see him as a crier.”

(Via NBC News, CNN, The Daily Beast and Boston Globe)