Donald Trump’s First General Election Ad Attacks Hillary Clinton’s ‘Rigged System’

Donald Trump has been falling behind in the polls in some key states, no matter what anyone says. With less than 80 days until the election, Trump’s now moving past his reliance on social media and, instead, is pouring money into television ads. Trump released his first campaign ad of the general election, in which he targets Clinton’s track record on immigration.

The 30-second spot evokes Trump’s favorite new word — “rigged” — which he usually uses to claim the election itself will be manipulated. But here, he uses the word to claim Hillary Clinton will rig the system through her immigration policy:

“In Hillary Clinton’s America, the system stays rigged against Americans. Syrian refugees flood in. Illegal immigrants convicted of crimes get to stay, collecting social security benefits, skipping the line. Our border open. Donald Trump’s America is secure. Terrorists and criminals kept out. The border secure, our families safe.”

After a significant campaign shakeup, Trump is looking to go pretty hard on the advertising front. On Friday, the Associated Press reported the Trump campaign will spend $5 million on advertising across key battleground states. North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania are key targets, along with Florida. Clinton, on the other hand, has spent more, nearly $75 million in 10 states since her nomination.

While investing in battleground states could help swing an election, Trump still has a lot to prove, and he’s only now starting to cooperate with requests to appear more presidential. But with bulldogs like Steve Bannon joining the fold, Trump may not be playing nice for very long.

(Via The Hill and The Associated Press)