For the past six years, Julian Assange has remained firmly nestled within the walls of the Ecuadorian embassy in London while receiving an impressive list of visitors. Filmmaker Michael Moore showed up last year and played with Assange’s kitty, and Brexit Mastermind Nigel Farage popped over last week. Yet the visitor who attracted the most attention — last October — happens to be former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson. She delivered vegan food to Assange and then expressed concerns about his health to the media while dressed in somewhat suggestive attire. This surprised many, although the two have apparently met multiple times since 2014.
Anderson admires the WikiLeaks founder’s intelligence, and she states as much in a bizarre new letter-poem that she’s posted to her foundation website, but she’s also physically attracted to the dude and doesn’t hide it. Entitled “My Julian,” her ode labels Assange as “sexy” and possessing “tremendous strength and stamina,” and she paints him as a superhero with only good intentions for exposing government corruption:
Julian Assange is the most intelligent, interesting, and informed man in existence.
Yes- I think he’s quite sexy.
He has tremendous strength and stamina- though vulnerable.
Hard to imagine him that way – as capable as he is.
But, he is up against the biggest super powers in the world.
I’ve spent enough time with
him, to be absolutely
sure of his intentions-
They are good ones.
The sorta-poem continues for while, and Anderson rambles about how Sweden is one of her favorite vacation spots,. Yet she’s very upset at how the world has “recklessly politicized” the country’s refusal to drop a warrant on a rape accusation against Assange from 2010:
Any time anyone maliciously,
or frivolously mentions ‘rape’ next to his name –
they need to understand it is defamation.
We are all innocent until proven guilty.
There is no rape –
it is a case of condom or not.
It is ridiculous.
This has been recklessly politicized.
Last December, Assange answered questions from Swedish prosecutors about the rape accusation and insisted that the incident was “consensual and enjoyable sex.” If he’s ever extradited to Sweden from the U.K., he could potentially also be shuttled to the U.S. over his continued WikiLeaks dumps, the most recent of which revealed CIA hacking secrets.
This latest release of documents would normally place Assange in grave danger of future U.S. extradition, but — as is often the case these days — everything is different now. After all, the Podesta email dumps prompted Trump to backtrack from his previous stance and shout, “I love WikiLeaks!” during an October rally. Following the CIA dump, this places Trump in a tight spot, should he continue to act like a newfound WikiLeaks fanboy.
For the past few years, Anderson has lobbied for Assange’s name to be cleared, and that seems unlikely to happen, but at the very least, her man may be safe from U.S. threat. And she can always visit him again, for he apparently shares her feelings. During a February Australian radio interview, Assange praised Anderson as “an attractive person with an attractive personality and whip-smart” and “an impressive figure.” Page Six has published an exhaustive, gossipy rehash of this possible courtship.
(Via Pamela Anderson, News.au & Page Six)