With the exposure of Harvey Weinstein and other men in Hollywood, the #MeToo movement, and the new initiative of Time’s Up, many have been left wondering why Woody Allen still maintains his position of privilege despite the horrifying allegations made against him by Dylan Farrow, his adopted daughter who has maintained for years that he sexually assaulted her as a child. Farrow recently condemned the people who were outwardly in favor of Time’s Up while still tacitly supporting Allen by working with him.
“It’s of course particularly hard for me as a survivor of sexual abuse to know that for these particular individuals I am not part of the ‘every woman’ they stand for. I seem to remain secondary to their ambition, which undermines the powerful and embracing message they are trying to send.”
Her words inspired awards darling Greta Gerwig and actress Mira Sorvino to both come forward and apologize to Dylan and express their regret over working with Allen. Now, another actress has expressed a similar regret and is taking it another step forward. Rebecca Hall, who made her name in Allen’s Vicky Christina Barcelona and will also appear in his upcoming film A Rainy Day In New York, released a lengthy statement on Instagram, expressing her complicated feelings and ultimate regret, while also stating that she donated her entire paycheck from A Rainy Day to Time’s Up.
The day after the Weinstein accusation broke in full force I was shooting a day of work on Woody Allen’s latest movie in New York. I couldn’t have imagined somewhere stranger to be that day. When asked to do so, some seven months ago, I quickly said yes. He gave me one of my first significant roles in film for which I have always been grateful, it was one day in my hometown – easy. I have, however subsequently realized there is nothing easy about any of this. In the weeks following I have thought very deeply about this decision, and remain conflicted and saddened.
After reading and re-reading Dylan Farrow’s statements of a few days ago and going back and reading the older ones – I see, not only how complicated this matter is, but that my actions have made another woman feel silenced and dismissed. That is not something that sits easily with me in the current or indeed any moment, and I am profoundly sorry. I regret this decision and wouldn’t make the same one today.
It’s a small gesture and not one intended as close to compensation but I’ve donated my wage to @timesup. I’ve also signed up, will continue to donate, and look forward to working with and being part of this positive movement towards change not just in Hollywood but hopefully everywhere. #timesup
These women (and A Rainy Day In New York‘s Griffin Newman) who are coming forward to apologize and work to undo some of the harm that men like Allen have caused is truly the right direction for the movement to go in. Perhaps it’s time to start asking actors like Wonder Wheel‘s Justin Timberlake and A Rainy Day In New York‘s Timothee Chalamet to do the same.
(Via The Hollywood Reporter)