Nearly 200 critics participated, selecting from more than 800 songs to create the definitive choice for the best songs of 2018. 1 208 points Thank U, Next Ariana Grande, Republic Critics who voted for this song Alex Wexelman 1 Annie Zaleski 2 Caitlin White 2 Hank Shteamer 2 Hannah Giorgis 2 Holly Gleason 2 Lance Conzett 2 Marissa Muller 2 Shannon Carlin 2 Zac Gelfand 2 Ilana Kaplan 3 Kyle McGovern 3 Melody Esme 3 Robert Blair 3 Scott Plagenhoef 4 Tiffany Wong 4 Brady Gerber 5 Carl Wilson 5 Dave Schilling 5 Joey Daniewicz 5 Mosi Reeves 5 Will Hermes 5 Eric Renner Brown 6 Hilary Saunders 6 Jarred Howard 6 Alfred Soto 7 Ryan Gibbs 7 Leah Lu 8 Patrick Hosken 8 Ashley Naftule 9 Ronald Hart 9 Sama'an Ashrawi 10 Scott Sterling 10