Happy Friday, everybody! Ask Alan’s been on a hiatus for about a month due to some personnel changes on our video team (plus our entire LA staff moving into a new office), but we are back, and hopefully on a weekly schedule again for the forseeable future.
Since the show was off for a while, there weren’t a lot of timely questions in the mailbag, but so I went with a trio of evergreens, one pitting The Sopranos missing Russian against the unidentified Lost outrigger shooter, another pondering the future of episodic commentary tracks as the DVD industry slowly dies, and a third asking why no one is trying the episodic anthology drama format of a Twilight Zone much anymore. You can watch the video embedded at the top and bottom of this post.
We could definitely use some new questions, whether they’re about recent TV events, very old ones, trend questions, or what have you, at askalan@hitfix.com.