Your interest in “Hell on Wheels” remains just strong enough for me to keep doing these weekly talkback posts. What’s notable about tonight’s episode, I thought, is how it finally puts Cullen Bohannan’s quest for… revenge! on hold for a while and forces him to actually spend time focusing on his day job as Doc Durant’s foreman. Which is probably for the best in terms of the show’s long-term creative future (if it has one): there’s only so many bad men who hurt his wife, while there are many, many miles of track still to be laid, and the show needs to get its central character more actively involved in what the show is actually about. (Though this week, at least, he’s a pretty lousy boss for most of the hour.)
What did you guys think of this one? Would you rather Cullen just continue his bloody quest, or were you glad to see him spend more time at the office? How did you feel about Lily and Doc’s interactions, Elam’s search for comfort, the Irish brothers’ attempt to make fast cash, etc?