Review: ‘Broad City’ makes a smart, hilarious return with ‘Two Chainz’

Broad City is back for a third season, and I have a few thoughts on the premiere coming up just as soon as I look like a DMX video extra…

Though Broad City is my favorite of the various shows premiering or returning this week, it's also one that hasn't changed a whole lot, so I didn't have much new to say on the macro front that I didn't already say in my review from the start of season 2.

But a show that's this funny – and also that's so goofy and surreal that character growth and other issues that aging shows have to deal with are irrelevant – doesn't particularly need to change, and “Two Chainz” was more of the same mix of slapstick, farce, absurd sociology, and friendship (which, as always, Ilana wishes was more than just that). It was an episode that, like the best of Broad City, was filled with great individual moments (the brawl at the pop-up shop, Abbi responding to the porn-watching truck driver's “Nice ass!” with a confident but irritated “I KNOW!”), but it also built and built until its great pay-off was spraying itself all over the canvas of Abbi's friend Max, followed by Ilana's chain getting stuck on the giant testicle magnet. The show's always so smart and creative in the ways it depicts the hellish downside of city life, and having its heroines stuck wearing a bike chain and a security tag, respectively, was a nice illustration of that leading to that hysterical final scene.

Glad to have it back. Not sure yet how often I'll be writing about episodes, as this is one I like to just sit back and laugh at a lot of the time, but it was and remains one of the best comedies on TV.

What did everybody else think?