Next time Marshawn wants to go to media day and annoy the reporters by saying nothing of value, he should bring his mom so she can talk for him and give all the reporters the sound bites they want. Delisa Lynch took to Facebook recently to slam the Seahawks for poor playcalling. Here’s the rant:
That is some righteous anger. While he doesn’t get called out by name, she calls out Seahawks Offensive Coordinator Darrell Bevell for only running Lynch on the 4th and 1 in overtime to “justify the one yard that wasn’t called in the Super Bowl.” That is a damn solid hot take, gotta raise the alarm on the hot take-o-meter:
Bevell of course made the highly suspect playcall in Super Bowl 49 to run an inside slant route on the 1 yard line instead of giving it to Lynch. On Sunday against the Rams in overtime, the Hawks were faced with a 4th and 1 around midfield and ran it, but Lynch got stuffed. The Seahawks have an incredibly bad offensive line (Russell was sacked 6 times) and the Rams have an incredibly dominant defensive line, so they are obviously getting second guessed by everyone now for playing right into the Ram’s biggest strength when the game was on the line. Seahawks fans who are somewhat knowledgeable about the sport have been calling for Bevell’s job for ages now. Now we can count Momma Lynch in on the crowd calling for his head. Maybe Hawks fans should start aiming those skittles towards the Seattle sideline.
One thing’s for sure, this is going to make Family day at Century Link really awkward.