Ping Pong And Gangnam Style, Together At Last

One of my favorite news updates from The Onion, besides the one about the “ask murderer,” is Ping-Pong Somehow Elicits Macho Posturing. Now, thanks to table tennis player and apparent Internet reader Adam Bobrow, that story has become reality.

Bobrow went Full Gangnam Style after scoring a point in the Chancellor Cup in Manila, The Philippines. Maybe if his opponent hadn’t been balls-deep in a Carly Rae Jepsen Flip camera parody video himself, he would’ve seen a ping pong ball flying at him. Bobrow’s excuse:

I was invited to do an exhibition match that was filmed by the national news… I thought you guys would enjoy this. By the way, BIG thanks to my partner in this exhibition… my “opponent”… Peter Francisco! He’s a much better player than me and has a great attitude! Playing with him was an absolute pleasure.

Translation: “I won at ping-pong, so I did a horsey dance and shook my junk around until somebody made me stop. Deal with it.” It’s officially the greatest moment in table tennis history, assuming that stuff with Forrest Gump wasn’t real.

Video is after the jump.

Lesson learned. Never play ping pong with Ed Grimley.

[h/t to Guyism]