Before you play the above video, be warned: Rob Gronkowski is the worst singer on the planet. Is he a classically trained singer? Should there be an expectation that a man who catches footballs for a living has an angelic voice? Of course not. He’s having a fun time. That doesn’t change the fact that your ears will be put through torture that dictatorships would not condone in times of war.
That aside, hey, Gronk Jovi! I know the Gronk Sex Cruise thing is over, but I’d hang with him at Gronk Karaoke Camp. Gronkaraokamp. We’ll work on the name.
I haven’t played a video game in a long time, but I love the commercials. I love how different they are for the type of game. If it’s like a mission game where you’re at war, or saving a princess from a dragon, it’s the most dramatic ad of all time. There’s a voiceover, there’s John Woo slo-mo stuff. You’d swear Daniel Day-Lewis and Helen Mirren agreed to be in the game. For football, it’s just a dude in a wig screaming for 60 seconds. You barely even see what the game looks like in either ad.
Anyway, this has been Old Guy Writes About Video Game Ad.