With the news that Ronda Rousey won’t be making it to UFC 200 for a rematch against Holly Holm, it seems like she’s taking the year to concentrate on acting and other facets of being a super huge mega-celebrity. She’s already done a new risque photoshoot with Sports Illustrated for their 2016 Swimsuit Edition. And on January 23, she’ll be hosting an entire episode of Saturday Night Live.
Thems some pretty big hosting shoes to fill. Recent hosts have included Ryan Gosling, Matthew McConaughey, and Amy Schumer. All experienced actors with comedy experience. While Ronda has mastered the art of the humorous quip after knocking chicks out, we’ve yet to see much of what to expect in two weeks on Saturday Night Live. So, who better for Ronda to visit with than the current queen of comedy, Amy Schumer herself? Were tips exchanged? Did Amy share all the comedic knowledge she’s learned over the past 10 years with Ronda?
Amy was the one to post this on her Twitter feed, while Ronda continues to largely maintain radio silence on all social medias. That led many people to imagine she was holed up in her house all weepy and sad over her loss to Holly Holm … but looking at everything she’s doing in January alone, I think it’s safe to say Rousey is back to Rouseying, she’s just not bending over backwards to bring us along for the ride. Probably because Chad keeps ragging on her for losing back in November. Quit it, Chad!