Maria Burns Ortiz is Ronda Rousey’s sister, but Ortiz has also taken on the task of being Rousey’s biographer (as the co-author of her autobiography, at least). Neither job comes without its share of headaches, as Ortiz recounted in a piece about her sister for Vice Sports.
Ortiz spent most of the piece talking about the good times Ronda had this year, but she did spare a moment to call out the legions of trolls on the Internet whose entire existence is seemingly based on taking the fighter down a peg.
Occasionally I wonder how people could say such awful things about someone they don’t even know, someone they’ve never met. I attribute it to the fact that their mothers probably didn’t love them enough, and then I briefly curse out the part of the Internet that allows people to hide behind anonymity as they let out the worst parts of themselves.
Sometimes, all you can do is think, “What the fuck is wrong with you people?”
Then I move on with my life, because you can only waste so much time on other people’s stupidity.
It must be frustrating to see someone you know so personally be attacked so impersonally, but that’s the life of a celebrity — especially a female one. Some things never change, and unfortunately, Rousey being the target of hatred on the Internet just seems to be one of those things.
(Via Vice)