The Nevada Athletic Commission Just Rewrote The Book On Drug Testing

The normally inept Nevada Athletic Commission, which prides friendships above all else, just had a shocking meeting. The NSAC convened to discuss a new drug testing regime that puts the UFC’s “Call to Action” to shame. Top MMA journalists Brett Okamoto and Shaheen Al-Shatti were on hand to document the meeting:

Okay, so the NSAC is talking about some new penalties for failing drug tests. Let’s see what they’ve come up with:

WOW. Three failed PED tests and that’s a lifetime ban is one thing, but four failures for weed gets the same punishment? That’s slowly becoming legal across the country, but, for some insane reason marijuana, is still on the banned substance list, so the NSAC is dropping the hammer. These aren’t just proposed changes, either:

Things certainly are changing, and not just in Nevada. Because it’s the fight capital, most other states use Nevada’s rules and regulations as a guideline for their own athletic commission.

It looks like autumn will see a drastic change across all combat sports, being that the NSAC governs mixed martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, and pretty much anything that isn’t pro wrestling. In addition to failing tests, there are also repercussions for missing them:

Again, this is a major change, especially considering the NSAC likes to delay having to talk about policy changes as much as possible. What does happen if a fighter fails a drug test now?

I wonder how the NSAC would handle Anderson Silva vs. Nick Diaz under their new rules, being that Silva failed a test for steroids, while Diaz tested positive for weed (his third failure).

Last but not least, I assume the NSAC is calling this the Jon Jones rule.

The big question coming from all of this information: Will any fighters refuse to fight in Nevada once these new, harsher penalties are put in place? Texas has played loose with drug testing in the past, so maybe Dallas and Houston will get an influx of fighting.