Yesterday Simon Pegg tweeted “The truth about Benedict Cumberbatch” along with the video below. In it, Pegg and Alice Eve are interviewed about Star Trek Into Darkness by a spazzy reporter on a show called The Showbiz 411. (Yeah, we’ve never heard of it either.) Feel free to skip the first minute where they discuss exercise before getting to the good parts.
First, Simon Pegg talks about having to take the privileged Alice Eve down a peg. (Pardon the pun.) Then a bit later the interviewer asks, “As a woman, what’s it like being so close to Benedict Cumberbatch?” Alice Eve tells Pegg to field that one “as a woman”. Pegg started to discuss “The Cumbers Bumbers Wumbers”, the feeling experienced by the Cumberb-tches. Then Pegg implies Cumberbatch is borderline simple but becomes debonair and brilliant only when cameras are pointed at him like some kind of reverse Michigan J. Frog.
Alice Eve says Cumberbatch appeals to women because he wants to have a family, at which point Simon Pegg adds that Chris Pine “wants to have lots of families.” The interview ends with an off-handed comment implying Cumberbatch and Sherlock co-star Martin Freeman used to date, just to make sure Tumblr explodes. Best interview ever?