Major Tech Companies Are Coming Together To Fight Trump’s Immigration Ban

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Without immigration, would the tech industry exist? Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs, and many more tech CEOs and engineers were and are either immigrants or second-generation Americans. The tech industry itself is global, and fond of believing the internet has no borders. But with Trump’s executive order banning refugees from Syria indefinitely and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries for at least ninety days, the tech industry has signed on to fight the order directly.

Mashable has a good summary of major tech companies offering their perspective on the ban by supporting a lawsuit from Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson. Ferguson is suing to invalidate the order on the basis that it’s unconstitutional. And while Microsoft, Amazon and others don’t weigh in on that legal argument, they do point out immigration is crucial to their business.

Microsoft, for example, is providing the AG’s office with hard data and has publicly stated company executives would be willing to testify in support of the suit. Amazon is also supplying assistance and Expedia, whose CEO Dara Khosrowshahi is an Iranian immigrant and sharply criticized Trump’s actions, will be participating as well.

They’re also likely just the tip of the iceberg. Many tech companies rely on immigration, and it’s heavily viewed as a detriment to the industry. Trump may soon have far more than just Amazon and Microsoft to deal with, and they’re formidable opponents already.

(via Mashable)