Baltimore IT Guy Turned Hacker Convicted of Replacing PowerPoint With Porn

A former IT manager for a company in Baltimore, MD, has simultaneously become a convicted criminal and a workplace hero everywhere after it was revealed that he spent two years hacking into his former employer and saving us all from boredom by swapping out PowerPoint presentations with hardcore pornography.

Walter Powell, formerly of Baltimore Substance Abuse Systems, was not happy over his termination. He actually followed through on all those threats the IT guys make whenever they’re unhappy, and truly became the Bastard Operator From Hell, deleting files, rewriting presentations, and generally committing digital vandalism on a scale usually reserved for bored teenagers.

Sadly, Powell was caught and convicted. But on the bright side, all his prison time was suspended: he just needs to do 100 hours of community service and serve three years’ probation. Then he can go back to being the god of cube monkeys everywhere.

Definitely sounds like something Nick Burns would do.