Let’s Break Down The Latest ‘Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare’ Trailer

With 12 main releases, 9 console-only or non-tentpole Call of Duty games, a plethora of expansions, and a world in its thrall, getting hyped for a CoD release isn’t as easy as it used to be. Most gamers are veterans of the series by now, and the usual motions have been gone through. But Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, lucky #13, is a whole new war game.

Infinity Ward, the studio that started it all, is taking the shooter that launched on Normandy Beach during World War 2 and is moving the battle to outer space. This is a huge departure for the Call of Duty franchise. The territory that was once Halo’s is now up for grabs.

The Infinite Warfare trailer showed off the features we can usually expect with each CoD release — gorgeous graphics, smooth gameplay, and amazing set piece moments. But probably the biggest takeaway from the trailer was the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered reveal. Long considered to be the best CoD ever, the remastered CoD 4 looks to have updated graphics and sounds while arriving packaged with 10 multiplayer maps.

The only catch — it’s only sold bundled with a preordered copy of the Legacy, Digital Deluxe, and Legacy Pro editions of Infinite Warfare.

Activision, you brilliant monsters.