A Ten-Minute Silent Track Is Fixing Your iPhone’s Awful Autoplay Problem


For a company that prides itself on things “just working,” there’s a flaw in the iPhone that Apple fans know all too well. You get in the car, your phone pairs via Bluetooth or USB, and immediately whatever you were last listening to blasts over the speakers. Or, if you weren’t listening to anything, the first song in your iTunes library blares, which might leave you explaining to Grandma why, precisely, you’ve got a song called “A Bitch Iz A Bitch.” Fortunately, there’s a genius solution to this problem, courtesy of social media maven and writer Samir Mezrahi: “A a a a a Very Good Song,” which is just ten minutes of pure silence.

While there are several “silent songs” for you to choose from on the iTunes store, the real genius here is the title and the length. The five As mean there’s literally nothing that could manage to play itself first, so your phone will pair but nothing will blast from the speakers for many minutes, allowing you ample time to scroll through your library or get on Spotify and choose a playlist that’s not the one which just plays “Two Princes” on a loop.

The thing is, we should be asking bigger questions here: Like why Apple allows this autoplay monstrosity to happen in the first place. You’d think turning it off would be simple, but it turns out there’s no easy way you can disable this “feature,” short of disabling Bluetooth on your phone. Considering Apple’s war on the headphone jack, though, that’s becoming less and less of an effective option.

For now, if you’re sick of hearing A House Divided by Megadeth every time you jump in the car for work, drop a dollar on Mezrahi’s track. Hey, he deserves a little money, and perhaps if it gets put in the #1 spot, Apple might implement shame protection. Or so we can hope.

(Via Cosmopolitan)