There’s a video of what’s purported to be the new iPhone appearin’ on the web, and it looks pretty rad. But there’s just something about the video. A certain… I don’t know. A certain *je-ne-sais-quoi* about it… that reminds me 115% of softcore pornography. Maybe it’s the music (it is). Maybe it’s the camera flashes (it is). Maybe it’s the editing (absolutely), or maybe it’s simply the abundance of close-ups of hands (highly likely). As Vanity Fair points out, it’s totally made to look like something you’d see on a site YouPorn.
Keep watching long enough and make it past the cheeseball music and another new iPhone, the plastic 5C, joins in. Excitement!
Regardless of the unintended ridiculousness of the video, you gotta admit, it sure is a purdy phone. The iPhone 5S is due to be announced in a couple of weeks, on or around September 10th.
(h/t: Vanity Fair)