Deborah Tagle clearly does not trust hospitals. Or maybe she was trying to avoid taking her son, newly shot in an accident by a friend, to the hospital by any means necessary. Either way, she decided to consult WebMD for gunshot wounds. We’re guessing Yahoo! Answers wasn’t quick enough on the draw for her, and Metafilter was too snooty.
After her son was shot, Tagle hopped immediately to inaction, the baffling thing being that her son, you know, the guy who actually got shot, pitched in to help.
The shooting happened at 6:27 p.m. Tuesday inside the family’s home located in the 10400 block of 27th Street, police said. Investigators said the incident was captured on the home’s in-house surveillance video system… The victim was shot once in the upper left thigh with a high-caliber bullet, police said. The teen lay on the floor for several minutes before getting up. Police said the teen and his mother initially looked up gunshots on Then, seven hours later, the teen’s mother drove him to Mainland Center hospital, police said.
Man, walking your parents through the Internet is excruciating enough, can you imagine doing it with a bullet in your leg? “Mom, no, it’s not leg cancer. Yes, Mom, it hurts, I got shot. No it did not start several weeks ago. MOM IT ALWAYS SAYS ITS CANCER, OK?!?!?!”
Fortunately, the son is in stable condition and won’t be losing any limbs. His mom, on the other hand, is currently in jail on one count of injury to a child. Hopefully he is located to a home where they believe in things like doctors. Or at least have Dr. Spaceman on speed-dial.