Who goes to Myspace anymore? OK, fine, that’s an unfair joke: While the site doesn’t enjoy the prominence it once did, it’s still heavily used by musicians and has its place in the social media sphere. It’s also apparently a rich target for hackers and not just those hoping to find Tay-Tay’s personal photos.
A report by research firm Forrester shows that MySpace was the most heavily breached website of 2016 and in sheer raw numbers it wasn’t even close; MySpace lost 427 million customer records where the second-place “winner,” online marketplace Alibaba, “only” lost 99 million records. The question on everybody’s lips is likely “Why?” and the short answer is that we suck at passwords, so we tend to use the same ones over and over again. Hackers are hoping to cross-reference your MySpace profile against the sites they actually want to breach, like your credit card account, and see if your password from your embarrassing younger days still works.
So, in other words, the moral of the story is to change your passwords, no matter how much resetting your password sucks. As annoying as finding that email is, would you rather do that, or find yourself on the phone for hours explaining that you didn’t send five 4K TVs to Latvia?
(via The Drum)