Far be it from us to say, “We told you so.” We would never, ever, ever link to an article we wrote chewing out tech blogs for mistaking their First World butthurt for a genuine problem at a company doing spectacularly well.
No, we’d combine the two. So, Ars Technica and CNET: We told you so!
For those wondering what the gloating is all about: after a few missteps, Netflix stock is back to expanding at a ridiculous rate, and Reed Hastings is beloved by Wall Street again. Among the tasty tidbits:
- Netflix expects Amazon to be more aggressive with Prime, possibly making it a service for a monthly fee. Oh, good, maybe then we’ll finally get a &$&#ing console app.
- Netflix thinks Hulu is so adorbs, and zero threat to their business.
- Shocking, their DVD customers are ditching their plans and going with streaming only in droves. Expect Qwikster to return, pronto.
- Oh, and the international business is going well.
In other news, Reed Hastings pulled his Ferrari in front of the CNET offices and blasted “Don’t Cha” for about fifteen minutes at ear-splitting levels, while pelting their windows with eggs and roaring “FEAR MY MIGHTY CEO POWERS!”
(Image courtesy alforque on Flickr)