Using The Wi-Fi At McDonald’s Is Hard For Some People, Apparently

What, you may ask, is this? This is the brochure McDonald’s keeps handy to explain to their customers just how, precisely, to connect to their free wireless networks while they’re inhaling fries and Quarter Pounders. It’s also a pretty good explanation of why, precisely, so many people are scared of the Internet.

This has been making the Mac nerd rounds because ha-ha, Windows machines are so complex and difficult to use compared to simple, elegant Macs. Thank God we tied our entire personality and sense of worth to a consumer product! But I think it’s more instructive to realize that, despite the fact that laptops have been handily outselling desktops for three years now and 17 million tablets were sold last year alone, most of their owners are pretty much completely unable to use them.

Tells you all you need to know about why people don’t understand the Internet: They can barely get on it!