When Will Your iPhone Be Obsolete?

Wait, it’s almost time for Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Conference? That explains why iPhone rumors are dropping from the sky like meteors! Yes, it’s that time of year again, where tech bloggers justify their guessing by saying they have “an anonymous source that can’t be named” who told them that the next iPhone will totally have, like, a USB port.

So, what’s actually being said?

– The big peeing match is over release dates: some are insisting that Apple’s going to drop a big steaming 4S on us at WWDC, while others are insisting they’re going to hold it until later in the summer. So basically they’re arguing over a foregone conclusion: by Labor Day expect your phone to be old and busted.

– It’s going to be chock-full of antennas: a CDMA antenna, a GSM antenna, and “three or four more.” For what? FM radio?

– It will have a faster processor, probably Apple’s A5. Also, the sun will rise.

Of course, sane Apple watchers are pointing out that WWDC is probably all about Lion, Apple’s new OS, and MacBooks, which have gotten the traditional Apple “stop making the old ones” indicator that a refresh is coming shortly. But that’s not nearly as much fun (or traffic-baity), so let the speculation continue until next week!